Call us for an appointment today or drop into our dental practice in Fulham Gardens and take your first step towards a healthy smile and beautiful teeth.
The Family Smile is conveniently located at the corner of Tapleys Hill Road and Marlborough Street in Fulham Gardens.
We are situated diagonally opposite the Fulham Gardens Shopping Centre which is home to Target, Foodland, Australia Post and other specialty stores.
Ample car parking is available at the rear of our surgery and is accessible from Marlborough Street.
If you are using public transport, The Family Smile is conveniently located close to a number of bus stops within Fulham Gardens. We suggest looking out for one of the following bus stops -
440 Tapleys Hill Road
Fulham Gardens SA 5024
Wheelchair access is available at our surgery from the rear car park. We recommend that you contact us prior to your visit so that we can ensure that all paths are clear for your appointment.
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