Injex means no Needles

The Family Smile is one of the first dental practices in Adelaide to offer Needle Free Anaesthesia via the Injex system.

Injex replaces the traditional needle and syringe solution with a pressurized cartridge. Once the cartridge is filled with anaesthesia and charged, the Injex unit is placed against the patient's gum and discharged.

A precisely measured anaesthetic dose is passed through to the gum using pressure in less than 0.5 seconds without the use of any needles.

Sufficient anaesthesia is achieved with comparably low doses when compared to a traditional injection.

This solution is ideal for children or adults who have a fear of needles but still require anaesthesia for their procedure.

Please speak to one of our dentists during your consult to determine if the Injex Solution is suitable for your situation and procedure.

So what does it feel like?

After a small 'click' sound, it feels like being 'flicked' with a finger in the gum. Importantly, it's all over in less than a second.

Injex on 7 Sunrise

Injex on 7 News